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This is a hardcover book written by John Boyne. This hardcover book has a book jacket included and it is a medium thick book. On the front cover, the picture is a dark tree with a light brown background. I have only read 3 chapters so far. This story is about an eight year old boy named Noah Barleywater, who runs away from home because his problems would seem easier to deal with if he runs away. He passes through the village he lives in and goes to the second village, then he goes to the third village. I think this book is really adventurous and the author's descriptive writing will make you thoroughly enjoy the book, even if you haven't read the whole book yet. I hope to read more of this amazing book and I give it 9 out of 10 stars!

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    I'm a Year 6 student in Marsden. I love tasting scrumdiddlyumptious food and hanging out with my friends and family. I hope you enjoy reading my book reviews!