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Nancy Drew and the Demon of River Heights is written by Stephan Petrucha. Nancy Drew and her friends, Bess and George, are set in the town River Heights. There were two filmmakers and they were with Nancy and her friends. Bess invited them to meet them at a coffee shop but they didn’t come! They went looking for them and they knew Mr. Angelys had something to do with it. Nancy and her friends started to get suspicious if a............! To know what happened read the book.

I enjoyed this book because the wonderful onomatopoeia, great cliff hangers, mysterious illustrations, and the story. The author had great onomatopoeia such as RARHHHH when the monster was chasing Nancy. Usually in this story, there would be a cliff hanger at the end of a chapter. It makes the reader want to read more and get interested. The illustration makes the reader visualise the mysterious events. Most of all, the story grabbed me and made me entertained the whole time. 

The main character is Nancy Drew she is girl detective and researches for clues to find the filmmakers. George is a friend of Nancy and helps Nancy to find clues usually with technology. Bess is another friend of Nancy and helps her as well and mostly she got frightened. Ben and Quentin are the filmmakers and they got missing so Nancy Drew and her friends went searching. Mr. Angely is the father of Todd they were working together.

Nancy Drew and the Demon of River Heights, does not have a message to it, though it is written to entertain people and to have fun.

I recommend this book to children six and up and children that like mysterious and easy books to read.      

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